The Train is Leaving the Station
All Aboard!
I’ve noticed something about train travel from watching movies; as long as one makes an effort and the train hasn’t picked up speed yet, it is never too late to board. But when getting on board, it is important that we’re on the right train. Metaphorically speaking, I believe that many feel like life in God has passed them by. If this is you, listen to this “All aboard” announcement. God is inviting all who will heed the call to join him for a tremendous excursion. The guy in the scene above from A Passage to India gets it.
Get Your Tickets!
We’re all aware of the mass exodus from the church over the last decade or so. Whatever reason for this, the tickets to board the train of service remains open to all who will hear it. Sure, some luggage too cumbersome for a hasty departure might need to be left on the platform, but the train is already well-equipped and well-stocked. In addition, there are those already aboard willing to see that you are equipped.
It's Not Too Late!
Full potential resides in those who have stood on the side of the tracks up until now, as long as they're willing to make a run for it. Remember the parable of the vineyard workers hired in the final hours? Their last-minute employment resulted in no deficit in reward. This train is full of redemption and its potential for service harkens back to the 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings, The Welsh Revival, Azusa Street, and Pentecost itself. This trip is not a trend focused upon a particular destination, but is a vehicle for service which concentrates on the journey. And, as long as you have a ticket to ride, there is plenty of room on board.
New Travel Plans
The definition of the Greek word, metanoia, is that we change our minds and direct our thoughts towards God’s perspective and away from our own, especially in relation to conclusions about him and ourselves which we’ve formed based upon the challenges we’ve faced. Metanoia is translated into English as the word repentance. It is our agreement to reach back into our pockets and pull out the tickets we’ve been given. Our call, after all, is to “Go,” and on our way, he’s arranged to have works follow us that will transform people’s lives. Leaving our old ways of thinking behind begin with simply a determination to do so. Boarding the train is simply a part of that ongoing process.
There's Something About a Train
The national train service, Amtrak, used to have a jingle to entice passengers, reminding them that “There’s something about a train.” And there is! The difference between life on a train and taking up space in the station is as different as night and day. But, we are not called only as highly valued passengers, we are also called to be the train’s supernatural crew. Our exploits will cause towns, cities, and villages to sing, “I hear that train a coming...” But remember, this train is on a time table and therefore, it’s heading out soon. So, you might be asking what does it take to get on board?
Discover Your Passion!
If you at one time left the station in disgust, consider whether you actually went anywhere or if your thoughts are still stuck in your memories of station-life gone wrong. If so, this is your invitation! Discover what it takes to head towards the platform. There is something about a train and if you see this train moving, run alongside if you have to. Do whatever it takes to get on board this train of service. It is leaving the station and will soon begin to pick up speed.